This book provides a wonderful way to resolve the difficulties and distress faces in life, whether as a grihasta, householder, or a sannyasin, a renunciate. It is a book of worship and prayer, which is the highest attitude the mind can assume. This attitude arises when the mind comes under the influence of the atman, or soul. The same gross mind constituted of the twenty-six tattwas, which is subject to time, space and object is refined to the highest degree, and begins to act in conjuction with the heart and soul. Such a mind projects the higher traits of love, compassion, devotion, surrender, faith and belief, because these are the qualities of the soul.
Worship requires a one-pointed mind and a pure heart. It also requires a disciplined body and the constant, unbroken attitude of surrender. In addition, the intellect must be balanced so that it does not disturb the mind by undue reasoning, which interrupts the worship. By performing Saundarya Lahari, sadhana in this way, you are simultaneously practicing raja yoga, bhakti yoga, hatha yoga, karma yoga and jnana yoga. This Saundarya Lahari sadhana is the culmination of yoga, intended to draw or your highest potential.
Taken from Yoga Publications Trust, Munger, Bihar, India book, Saundarya Lahari, The Descent by Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati