Some of us want to create a legacy, a family, an institution, organisation etc. And all of us are already part of atleast one institution viz. family. An Institution needs members... and so partnership (marriage, contract etc) is formed. Members are born, attracted, hired etc.
Even an ashram, whether it is grihast or gurukul ashram has members. That is the domain of learning and evolving. It is in duality and exchange that growth & transformation occurs.
However after creating an establishment (family or ashram) and having members, one wants it to last. And definitely it has a purpose. How does one make the members stay (if that is the need). When an ashram/institution times out, members leave. It loses its power. An ashram / institution by its very own quality, fabric and basic structure and foundation does not need to make an effort, it is a manifestation of the need for evolution, a need of life itself. It has its own life force and sustains almost magically.
Lets look at an effort to retain an institution. One can retain members by instilling fear, threat, punishment, force, conditions, prohibitions... it is the easiest way to control. It works. But the members stay as long as they can draw benefit from it, and put up with regulations and threats against their will and happiness. Members usually are needed to feel lesser than their potential qualities, as it is itself based on fear of loss, insecurity and insufficiency. Environment is generally overpowering rather than empowering. Members go through the "suffering", sure that it will end some day, it wont last and... one fine day some member does end it some day and they cut off ties with that environment. For it no longer benefits them. Such an environment provides a material, temporary, emotional or social sanctuary. Such institutions do have their place and purpose in the bigger scheme of life.Members who stay are usually the one's who prefer such a place.
HOWEVER creating an environment which evolves with the passing time and individual members and generations are one in million. There are familieas and institutions with ancient thread continuously running. Most of us would love to have belonged or to be associated with such a family, ashram or institution. Because of its nature of continuity, sanatan quality, one finds a need to go back all the time. It is Home. The resting place where the skylark returns after a day of flight in the vast skies.
In my humble opinion and miniscule experience, an environment where one finds Home and family, could possibly exist by creating & inspiring self-control and dedication takes consistency, tenacity, effort and patience. Not to say empathy and love. A deicated environment which nurtures with tender care, protects and grooms. Where one feels easy to share, care, love, serve and give. Being is spontaneous, efforts are effortless and seem a joy to perform. There is toughness and hard work to retain and maintain the sanctity and objective of the institution. Sometimes it may be a put off. Like the ashram time table and food (initially) :D)) yet as one settles in, one finds it energising and empowering. Family/Institution/Ashram members may sometime go for a reason, but the natal chord always keep the ties intact. Even distance makes the heart grow fonder and ever so connected, carrying and spreading the tradition, the fragrance and flavor around.
At the helm of such an institution there is usually a powerful personality who is firm, sets the standards by example and yet he is loving, reachable and nurturing. He is the one whose aura, icchha, vichar, sankalp and kriya shakti holds the institution together. Its impresses, energises and inspires the spirit of the members. Such a personality has qualities of mother, father, teacher in him. In a spiritual institution it has an aura of beauty, truth and auspiciousness. He is Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and Sakshat Parabrahma. In an worldly sense they are upholders and custodians of a profound legacy and tradition which is evolving.
A positive and giving environment, not only attracts, but one is drawn towards the environment of the ashram, seeking that environment. Waking early morning, doing seva whether one chooses it or not, keeping mauna, singing, eating and dancing, maybe working till late hours. A balanced and sometimes imbalanced life. A flexibility of spirit ready for any turn of event or instruction by maybe someone years younger than you or outdated and out of sync. Also rules are broken and mischiefs indulged in. The Little Krishna is an eternal presence in us, na? :)
And indeed there needs to be conditions and limitations to maintain the overall balance and sanctity of the institution. The limits are not rigid and thorny as on prison-walls to be shot dead if one escapes, but that of self restraint, of spontaneous offering and alignment into the environment. One experiences this when one enters a divine spot like a church, temple, meditation centres, presence of divinity etc. One just starts behaving in a particular way. One loves, serves and gives like it was the most natural and normal thing to do.
let us live in and create Institutions of Transformation and Evolution, Institutions of Love, not prisons of war !!!
Let us be family members not inmates.