Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Navaratri and Saundarya Lahari Upasana

The deities of Kali yuga are Devi and Ganesha. They are manifesting everywhere and have infiltrated  our very lives.  Ganesha represents good living, comfort, luxury, good food. good clothes, art, literature and music. Devi symbolizes immense wealth and unlimited power, coupled with beauty and glamour. Is that not what the whole world is mad about today? So this attraction for Shakti has filtered down through the ages to the present day, inspite of the overshadowing influence of other religions and cultures. India is the only land that addresses women as Devi. Whether a mother, sister, daughter or wife, she is regarded as Devi.

Ma Tripura Sundari
Devi is a combination of Lakshmi, Parvati, Durga and Saraswati. All of her roles are sacred and enacted in every home, such is her immense influence on this land. Twice a year Devi is worshipped throughout India for nine days during Navaratri. This worship is conducted in Christainity also and is known as Novena, nine days worship of Mother Mary. navaratri means the nine nights when the soul has to journey through immense darkness to experience light. The nine nights represent the eight apara prakriti, which are the five tattwas, mind, buddhi and ahamkara, the symbols of darkness, and the one para prakriti, the symbol of illumination.

Significantly, both periods of Navaratri occur at specific times of the year when nature is in transition. The first occurs in March, when nature transits from winter to spring, and the second in October, when it transits from autumn to winter. At these times nature is in motion and vibrant with prana to facilitate this transition. The Navaratra worship is very special, because at these times Shakti comes alive. this gives immediate and immense benefits to the worshipper, which can range from the mundane to the sublime. Like Rama, Arjuna and much later (Adi) Sankara(charya), we too are in dire need of help during times of distress. There are moments of crisis in our lives when we do need divine intervention, and in this lies the importance of Saundarya Lahari.

Saundarya Lahari can also alleviate mental conflicts such as fear, turmoil, insecurity, depression, disappointment, lack of self confidence, despair, worry and anxiety. It can be utilized for the cure of disease that are adhidaivika in nature, due to some unknown, mysterious causes that no medicines can heal. Most modern day ailments, which are not of an infectious nature, come under this category.

~ excerpt from Sri Saundarya Lahari, The Descent by Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati. Yoga Publication Trust, Munger, Bihar, India

Worshipping Shakti - Mother Nature

Image Credit: Vimanika Comics
Shakti has to be worshipped and revered if you are to experience her full benefits. Since she present in everything, you will have to inculcate an attitude of reverence for all that you are, all that you have, and all that you experience. A culture that regards Shakti as an energy to exploit, use and strip naked can never attain her full glory, which is of immense and unimaginable potential. From the day you were born, you have been surviving on her handouts. The air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, the homes you live in are all the gifts she has bestowed upon this earth. The iron, steel, gold, silver, gems and wealth are all her creations. No creature has used nature for this sort of benefit, apart from man.

Shakti is abundant with prosperity which she reflects through her cosmic nature. She is always replenishing the creation which she has given birth to. So, if you wish to experience the full force of her benevolence, you will have to develop an attitude of reverence towards her, not arrogance. That is the secret key to release the great power of Shakti.

~ excerpt from Sri Saundarya Lahari, The Descent by Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati , Yoga Publication Trust, Munger, Bihar, India