Monday, November 29, 2010

21st Century_ Advancment and Repurposing of the Cosmic Design

(this is Work in Progress... I am working on this.. so please do not forward)
All this begun, when....
I was wondering what is happening in our times? Why the digital world? Why the need to connect and network? Why do we want to communicate? Why hope should prevail fear? Why the Quest for Divine should precede the attachment to the gross? why were there these thinkers, philosophers and Gurus? Why some of them chose a life devoid of conveniences (material comforts and luxuries)and adopted a esoteric lifestyle? It appears so difficult to me and so natural and normal to them...

What is the purpose of my existence in today's time? What is my role? What is the role every aspect of this creation plays? Why is it that i craved for the ultimate from the time i was born? and yet i had been in activities which had no direct relevance to it? Why inspite of doing nothing "religious" or socially "correct", all of a sudden, i am in the middle of a "spiritual" life? Why did i hear those voices?in my head? and BELIEVED i was born for a purpose? Everyone is.... Whats the big deal about it? Why did i meet my spiritual guide.. and at the time i met him, not earlier not later? Why did i even want to meet him? Why is my life the way it is and not the way i demanded it should be? Why is this generation the way it is? Why has the change in time created this difference? How could i accept it? Why did i make a choices i did? Why did i adopt such a life style? Why did i want to be different?  Why did i not choose to be the same as everyone else and do the regular stuff? Why am i not married? settled? having a husband, family, kids and you know... all the rest... Why do i want to preserve and transmit? When i had craved for a child.. i knew that it was only because i wanted continuity and progression.. Why was i not granted one child and instead granted a sea of humanity?  Why was i passionate about the Universe? And then met so many like minded., read works, saw films of those who ventured and attempted to answer these questions... I always was attracted (and so are many many others)  to these questions and dwelt on them. Philosophy and baffling mysteries of existence.Why this and why that...  and millions of other questions.....

People think i am crazy, too "intelligent", intellectual, weird,  high thinking and all that... They had these questions in their mind and chose not too dwell on them and rather be ignorant and choose the gross. No, no dont get me wrong... I dont think they are any less "intelligent" etc. Just that they were destined not to make these choices.

All along i keep wondering and taking unusual turns and getting amazed all along by the revelations.

The quest has been the same through ages.
It shall go on and on.. Every generation will adjust, adapt and advance it.
Technology serves it's prurpose for the same.. The blueprint is there at the base of human cosciousness. Every aspect of the manifest and unmanifest.. keeps reminding us.
Every generation finds way of preserving it and transmitting it to the next generation.

Even if all the documents get destroyed the blueprint is all pervading and remanifests.
In all that we do... Be it technology, management, movies, toys, texts, music, any art form, science, religion, war, anything.... the cosmic design is the ruler... Neither we can create nor destroy... We just serve IT's purpose in all we do.
Going from Gross to Subtle.

When transmission was discovered through wire and then it became wireless.... One day the need for the gross medium will become redundant.. people will be connected by the subtle consciousness.. Each at varying degrees, as per their evolution and needs. Each as per their tuning

You may find the video below, highly interesting.. Think it is 16 part video.. take your time...
What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 1

Om Prem!


Friday, November 26, 2010

Why Yoga ?

While all the paths in Life are a path of Yoga,
Why should i learn the Science of Yoga?

Because i want money.
Because I want Healthy and beautiful Body.
Because I want to do what the superstars and super models do.
Because I want to be accepted.
Because i want to have a great sex life.
Because i want to be successful in my profession.
Because i want to be popular.
Because i want to be famous.
Because i want people to love me and accept me.
Because i want to feel great about myself
Because i want to feel great about being alive.
Because i want to enjoy the goodness of life.
Because i want the strength of body, mind and spirit to face the difficult phases of life.
Because i want to be stable and sturdy.
Because i want peace of mind.
Beacuse i want to be like those popular Guru's :)

Maybe some of these are your needs, some wants.
Maybe they are the luxury you can afford, now that one has already got all other material, emotional and mental comforts and yet .... there is that something more one seeks.

All this is as true of life, the need for spiritual evolution.

Yet... coming back to the basic question, What is it, that i seek?
Is it.... That which I am? That which is my true nature? That which is glory of existence?

Sat Chit Anand! Wow.. Why, of course i could ask that too.. no one has stopped me......

In the times where we can choose the packages we need for internet surfing, mobile connection, gift offers... we choose that which gives us the maximum benefit. What one can afford.

Sooo...  then... what can i afford? How much do i need? How much divine currency do i have??
What are the offers of Parabrahman, from which i could choose :)

Yoga offers and enables us to achieve that which is beyond the matter. It has far more to offer... I think, than one can imagine and dared to even imagine.

So then, What do i need/want/desire? Can i achieve it through the path of Yogabhyasa / Yog Sadhana???

Whatever i seek is fair. It only depends on my preparedness, to accept what i shall receive.
Hmmm.. so Yoga could prepare me, make me a worthy recipient of the boon. (And.. that's just the beginning)
Get prepared! Choose your sadhana! Do it!

Om Prem!


Path of the Heart

the path to the heart is easiest. it is about love, compassion, serve, give and take. yes to accept what is given with love. they are the offerings divinity has made to us.
Even the Divine loves us, it also worships us and gives us. You have to learn to accept and see the divinity in the offerings of life.

God is, because Man is. They worship each other.

we were born of love, of sharing and union of divinity. we were born to love, with love.
we were born as loving, tender and kind beings. In a child one sees nothing but purity and innocence. No ego, no selfishness.
The smile on a child's face breathes life into us. Their tears draws out the compassion within us. Their needs make us givers in a selfless way.
They are embodinent of purity and divinity.

It is that natural to us, right from the time we were born.
Yet with time, and the so called education, we forgot our true nature.

Science connected me right back to where i belong. In Quantum Physics, Astronomy and Chemistry i could read the subtle message of the divine. Study as we might, experiment and research, they all fell apart, because there was something that modern Science could not explain. LIFE! When the paranormal sciences and studies of the subtle energies became a need, people turned to the Spiritual Science or studies of the Tantra. Tantra is not exclusive to a particular section of any of the human race. It was studied all over the world at various times.

Love, the base of it all. How to explain for the Quest for the Divine? The only explanation is only human being has been given the ability to seek it.
The Light can be seen only in the purest state. Do you remember what you saw when you were born? Do you remember what you felt? Do you remeber the mother and her warmth?
Can you go back there to "see" and experience Life once again?
What is the way?
We pray
Show me the way from Illusion to Truth,
Show me the way from Darkness to Light,
Show me the way from Death to DeathlessNess !!

We do want to experience it once again.

Love within and without.
Divinity within and without
Light within and without !!

When we experienc e the unity of Life, when we loose fear of death.

Bade Gurji in his Mahasamadhi showed us how death never did us apart. He became a part of us. The light wiuthin us. The Love within us!

In the Dark age of Kali, the way to live, is the way of Loving and Serving Life! Bhakti Yoga, Kirtan and Mantra!

Om Prem!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Akshaya Tritiya

Sw. Satyasangananda Saraswati

Akshaya Tritiya

India is a land of rich and diverse spiritual heritage providing a treasure of knowledge which we are indeed fortunate to have received by virtue of being born in this land. Just as there is a blueprint made out long before anything comes into existence, be it a house, a car, a television, computer, missile or satellite, in the same way your life too has a blueprint which
was made long before you came into existence. You may or may not have realized this but it is this heritage which lays great emphasis on fasts, vows and festivals that keeps an individual from straying away from the blueprint designed for life.

How exactly does this happen? Take a closer look and you will discern that these festivals occur at special moments in time. They also commemorate an event long gone thus signifying the circular movement of time which allows these special moments to return again and again. The term given to these moments is muhurta and we ought to know that the significance of every
muhurta can be felt at every dimension of existence whether physical, material, emotional, intellectual or spiritual.

One such important muhurta is Akshaya Tritiya which has earned itself the status of a festival which is inherently perfect. Akshaya Tritiya also known as akhateej occurs on the third day of the bright fortnight in the month of Baisakh (mid April to mid May). The word Akshaya literally means that which is constant, stable and is never destroyed. In our lives nothing is
constant, everything s continually changing and we feel the burden of this from time to time when we have to adjust ourselves accordingly. In fact the only example we have of something which is never destroyed is satya or truth, which is but another name for the omnipresent God.

Of course we have never seen God, but the heritage we have received from our ancestors tells us that there are special muhurtas or moments when one can experience this constant truth and also benefit from that experience. One of these auspicious muhurtas is Akshaya Tritiya.

In fact Akshaya Tithi is also known as Ishwara Tithi. Tithi means day and by calling it Ishwara Tithi it signifies that anything that comes into existence on this day will never die. Parashurama one of the chiranjeevis or immortals was born on this day. As such this day is also known as
chiranjeevi tithi.

Out of the four yugas, Treta Yuga commenced on this day, therefore it is also known as yugaditithi which is considered a very significant moment in time as great metamorphosis in the stratosphere takes place at that moment.
It is on this day that Badrinath one of the four revered shrines in the Himalayas opens its doors for worship of Lord Narayana.

On account of the indestructible force of this day all the words you speak, thoughts you think and acts you perform on this day become a part of your hard disk and remain with you life after life. It is therefore understandable that on this day one must make a sincere effort to perform
good deeds through japa, tapa, tyaag, daan and remembrance of the Lord so that your bank balance increases.

The predominant tattwa on this day is the Akshaya tattwa. That indestructible tattwa which can open those avenues for you which can make you realize your own potential. As such it is most definitely the day when one should scratch the surface and search within as the vibrations of this
day will make that task so much easier. It is a day to leave behind the destructible acts and perform only those that you will feel happy to have recorded in your file when you look back. Because the indestructible nature of the tattwa that prevails on this day penetrates into every domain of life.

Rise early on Akshaya Tritiya and perform havan repeating the 1000 names of Vishnu. After that if time permits do japa of guru mantra or akhand naam sankirtan of Rama. Chanting of the entire Bhagawad Gita is especially significant on Akshaya Tritiya. *And if you are fortunate* to find someone in need do help out as that will earn you the blessings of the Lord. At Sri
Swamiji's tapobhumi in Rikhiadham this is how we celebrate this important occasion of Akshaya Tritiya.

Hari Om Tat Sat!
Warm Regards
Nomita Chakravorty

Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you. - Marsha Norman

When you work you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music.
Which of you would be a reed, dumb and silent, when all else sings together in unison? ~ From The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran