Monday, May 25, 2009

There are no accidents!

was it an accident or fate?

at it's best... life, for me, has been most satisfying, in those opportunities i accepted and most often in the not-so-calculated choices i made. Followed a gut feeling... or an instinct...

As simple as it seems... those were the difficult choices, to not listen to logic or the chattering, rationalising, analyzing... mind and to follow the heart.
Not everytime opportunity presented itself in it's glory or clarity. Overtly, it does not even look like anything i was looking for. An ordinary day and ordinary, boring event.. that is beginning of an
entire new journey... At that time, i did not realise that this very choice, made by me, listening to that inner voice, will tranform my entire life. Walk me to my dream.

There are no accidents.
At times you hear nothing... just flow.. trust life and don't really analye or anticipate what she does next...